About Us

Iguana Tours was founded in 1989 to aid in the preservation of Costa Rica's natural resources through what we know best: ecoturism, naturalist excursions, & adventure tourism.
To this day, almost 35 years later, we proudly uphold the principles we set when we founded the company:
To preserve Costa Rica’s natural resources;
To actively engage and aid the community of Quepos and Manuel Antonio;
To offer employment opportunities to as many locals as possible;
To educate the community, our staff and our customers to be better stewards of our tropical rainforests;
And finally, to promote eco-tourism all over the world – one customer at a time.
We are "The Manuel Antonio Specialists"!

Owned and operated by a family group of local investors and community leaders – Jorge Cruz, Gilberth Cruz and Henry Gomez – we at Iguana Tours pride ourselves in operating a world-class, reputable, safety-conscious family business.
Wether you're solo traveling or with a group, big or small, we hope to aid you discover the true adventures and exotic treasures of the beautiful land we strive to preserve – every day, on every tour, and through everyone who shares with us the Iguana Tours experience!
We believe that the work we do truly matters! During the past 35 years we’ve experienced so many wonderful things through our tours and our interactions with the broader community in Quepos. It is never lost in us the fact that we get to earn a living through our dream jobs.
ALL our Iguana Tours are geared towards ecology, safety, stewardship, education, adventure, and most of all, fun. As we say in Costa Rica, “¡Pura Vida!”

We want you to have safe, educational, fun, and unforgettable adventures. Our hope is that you can look back and think fondly of your trip; of our country, our people, and our natural riches. And if you ever want to relive these memories, we'd love to show you around again!
Let us show you around Manuel Antonio! Just let us know when.
Iguana Tours Team
Manuel Antonio / Quepos, Costa Rica.
More about us
Sustainability Policies
Iguana Tours is a company that aims for satisfaction and excellence in tourism. The company has diverse personnel with shared values in leadership, environmental conservation, and environmental as well as cultural protection.
1. We declare our commitment to avoiding all types of extraction or product commercialization of flora and fauna, which is forbidden by law.
2. All employees will be trained in the company’s policies of sustainability. Training will be provided for new as well as seasoned employees on the companies operative as well as administrative tasks. This will be done in order to insure a positive performance from all employees.
3. The company will design an annual plan of qualification for its employees. This plan will have an emphasis on subjects that will help the employees better serve the clients, legislation applicable to the company, current trends in tourism, accommodating individuals with disabilities, respect for the cultures in the towns visited by the company, information of interest pertaining to the clients' countries of origin, and any other information that will aid in the satisfaction of the clients. This will be done within the frame of environmental education as well as the protection of the socio-cultural manifestations affecting the cultures visited.
4. We will defend and protect our children and adolescents against any and all sexual operations and prostitution. We will denounce any illegal activity that we know of, and will educate our employees, suppliers and clients with respect to this subject.
5. We will create a healthy work atmosphere free of illegal drugs. Our activities are family oriented and therefore we will denounce any illegal activity of which we have knowledge, including the consumption and/or commercialization of illegal substances, to the appropriate authorities.
6. As a company whose guided tours visit many places of interest, we will select these places based on their conditions of sustainability such as their programs of conservation and their plans to protect the species of flora and fauna. This is done so that we may give our visitors the complete Costa Rican experience.
7. Our guides will have all certificates required by law. We will maintain these certifications by updating the guides in different technical subjects including the use of equipment, emergency techniques, information on the zones that our clients will visit, legal subjects, as well as any other information of relevance to the company as it continues with its sustainable approach to tourism.
8. For each of the activities geared toward tourism, the company will offer promotions to native Costa Ricans. This preferential treatment will be done with the aim to educate and involve them in the conservation efforts taking place in our areas of operation.
9. We will give preference to local suppliers of biodegradable, re-usable, and organic products that do not contain harmful pollutants or ingredients that are harmful to either human health or the environment. We will give preference to suppliers who have the ISO certification.
10. Each activity geared toward tourists will have an operational manual. This will include the technical aspects of the tour, the ratio of guides to tourists as well as whether or not the guide will require assistance with the group. In all cases we will work with small groups in order to avoid having a negative effect on the environment or the visited areas.
11. All of our land as well as aquatic vehicles are equipped to handle tourist activities. They will be registered and maintained according to the law. The clients will be included under the company’s insurance policy when using the vehicles appropriately.
12. The equipment used in tourist related activities will have a check list relating to the basic condition and security of the vehicle. Employees must check to assure the condition of the vehicle based on this as well as the vehicles design.
13. To reduce, reuse, and recycle.
In the office we will re-use paper products in order to avoid unnecessary costs whenever possible. We will take advantage of computer-based technology when dealing with shipments as well as international communication. We will separate all of our recycling products into paper and organic plastics. We will place reminders around our facilities to encourage tourists to recycle so as not to contaminate the areas that we visit. We will use ASOPROQUEPOS, an organized group that organizes recycling in the community, as a means for recycling.14. We support conservation initiatives. We support activities related to the Titi Monkey conservation as well as the conservation of other animals who require our efforts in order to strive and reproduce within our area through our affiliation with ASCOMOTI.
15. We will not feed any of the animals. In addition, we will explain the many reasons for not feeding the animals to our clients.
16. We are in favor of the conservation of the archaeological and cultural patrimony. Therefore we will avoid and denounce any activity that leads toward the extinction or commercialization of archaeological and cultural articles of which we have knowledge.
17. We fulfill all effective legislation including law 7600, on the equality of opportunities for people with disability. We will not discriminate in the hiring of personnel. We will offer equal opportunities to all candidates who meet the required conditions for the position.
18. We are a company of social responsibility. We will try to offer access to all workers and clients in according to law 7600. We will offer accessible vehicles as well as activities, making each activity attractive to interested clients.
Practical tips for your stay in the country
Welcome to Costa Rica, we hope you enjoy a pleasant and safe stay, which is why we offer you a set of advice that is important to keep in mind during your visit to our country. Geographic aspects: Costa Rica is located on the Central American isthmus, between latitudes 8 ° and 12 ° N, and longitudes 82 ° and 86 ° W. Bordered on the east by the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean to the west, with a total extent of 1290 km on the coasts: 212 km on the Caribbean coast and 1 016 km on the Pacific coast. Costa Rica is a very mountainous country and most of the territory is formed by elevations between 900 and 1800 meters above sea level. There are three main mountain systems: the Guanacaste Volcanic Mountain Range, the Tilarán Mining Mountain Range, the Central Volcanic Mountain Range and the Talamanca Mountain Range. In the center of the country is the Great Central Valley, a kind of plateau characterized by its fertility and abundance of water sources, surrounded by mountains and volcanoes, has a very pleasant climate. Here is located most of the country's population, approximately 60% of the inhabitants. The highest point in the country is the Chirripó hill at 3820 meters above sea level and is the fifth highest peak in Central America. The highest volcano is the Irazú volcano with 3432 meters above sea level.
- Every foreing citizen needs a valid passport to enter Costa Rica and some nationalities need consular visas, so it is important to check before traveling.
- Leave your jewelry, cash and credit cards stored in the safe in the hotel room; take only what is necessary when you walk around San José, and do not carry large amounts of cash. Remember that for security reasons, all ATMs in Costa Rica are closed after ten o'clock at night. Make a copy of your passport before leaving, so that you use the copy instead of the original. Do not leave keys or personal belongings in sight.
- Many times the vehicles do not give way to other vehicles or pedestrians. Be careful when crossing the streets.
- Know your destination and have a route planned for the journey.
- Always be alert and awake in what is happening around you.
- When you are checking in at the hotel reception, always be alert of people near you and your luggage.
- On many beaches there are strong waves and currents that can be deadly, even for experienced swimmers.
- When visiting volcanoes or national parks respect the safety distance of the red zone, this is a warning of danger. Otherwise, one is in danger of death.
- You can find in Costa Rica almost in every corner free Internet, also many hotels offer the wireless connection service; after using the Internet you must delete all the temporary files you used in order to erase your personal information. Close all the applications and programs you used.
- If you get lost, look for a public area, such as a gas station, to read your map or ask for directions.
- If you use the ATM, make sure the area is well lit. Count your money inside your closed vehicle and with the windows closed.
- If you need to exchange dollars, use only recognized banking agencies or exchange houses.
- If you suspect that you are being chased, go to a nearby public place that is well lit and call the police.
- If you have to carry a purse or shoulder bag with you, carry it in front of you near your body. Make sure it is completely closed.
- If you are challenged by a hostile individual, DO NOT resist. Give the person what they are asking for, your belongings are not worth more than your life or a serious injury.
- The condition of roads, traffic signals and road traffic in the country is poor. Avoid traveling at night for safety reasons.
- Never leave the car parked unattended. If you have a breakdown you should be careful who offers help and get in touch with your car rental agency. If you decide to visit Costa Rica with a rental car, we recommend renting a mobile phone. All the major car rental companies have this service.
- If you hit your vehicle behind, DO NOT stop on the road or lean to the side. Drive to the nearest public area and call for help from the police.
- If a suspicious person approaches your vehicle while you are stopped in a red light or a STOP signal, play the horn.
- Do not stop by any flashing light. An emergency vehicle or police vehicle has red or blue flashing lights.
- If you are told that something is wrong with your vehicle, DO NOT stop immediately. Drive to the nearest gas station or other public place that is well lit.
- Keep doors locked and windows up while driving, and when the vehicle is parked.
- Valuable items should be carried in the trunk, or in the glove compartment (locked), or out of sight while driving or leaving the vehicle parked.
- Check the interior of your vehicle and surroundings before entering your vehicle.
- DO NOT pick up people on the road.
- DO NOT leave the keys in your vehicle or the engine running while you are using the ATM.
If you are thinking of making some trips or entering the wonders of our rainforests take into account this list of equipment you might need. This list is specialized and should be varied depending on the activities you wish to carry out during your trip. Please do not hesitate to specifically consult the list of equipment that suits your own trip.
- Light sandals or shoes that dry quickly.
- Hiking boots or comfortable walking shoes.
- T-shirts easy to dry and wash. You can count on long sleeves to walk and protect from the sun and others for cool or cold afternoons.
- Fleece or coat to protect from the cold. Yes, Costa Rica has cold parts in the mountains.
- Waterproof poncho or jacket, or windbreaker
- Lightweight pants, easy to wash and dry. Shorts are very cool, long pants protect from mosquitoes and cold.
- Light socks and if they go to the cold, they are hot for cold nights.
- Hat or cap for the sun. If you are going to make long walks, the colored scarves for the hair are very good to cover the nape of your neck or the ears from the sun.
- In the case of the Chirripó or other cold mountain tours, a cold wool cap and gloves are recommended.
- Remember to always carry clothes to walk around thinking that you are going to get wet and wear clothes after the tour or walk, so as not to return to the bus with wet clothes and avoid an unwelcome cold.
- Blistick for the lips (protection for sun and wind)
- Sunglasses
- Bags with zipper
- Sunscreen (minimum protection factor 40)
- Flashlight, bulb or headlamp, not everywhere is electric light all night.
- Extra batteries
- Water bottle
- Insect repellent
- Duct tape or hardware tape for emergency repairs and for blisters on the feet
- Moisturizing drinks. This list is designed taking into account all the activities we offer, remember that depending on your special activities, this will be the list of equipment.
There are no vaccines required to enter Costa Rica, however the following are recommended. Vaccine: Recommended for: Dosage: Hepatitis A
- In case of emergency call 911 from any telephone.
- Only pay the departure taxes at the airport, at the duly authorized places.
- These taxes are $26 per person.
Iguana Tours Informs you
- Following Costa Rican conservation laws, the extraction and captivity of wild life is punished with jail.
- The protection of species required by law should be respected conserning both protected flora and fauna.
- The artificial feeding of animals is prohibited on any type of excursion carried out by the company.
- Our company respects the carrying capacity in all our activities.
- All our land and water mobiles comply with the rules and regulations requested by our country.
- The company is committed to protecting the environment, society and culture.
- We will report any act that contaminates or damages our ecosystems.
To learn more about our projects for the good, environmental, social and cultural of our country.
Operation Capacity
Place of Operation
Size of groups and maximum of tours.
10 Km North of Quepos
Damas Island Tour
By boat or kayak
11 people boat + 1 guide
10 people kayak + 1 guide + 1 assistance
3 boat
8 double kayaks
2 singles
Manuel Antonio National Park
Walking and hiking Tour by the National Park
Hiking and Walking Tour
10 people + 1 guide
4 guide
Savegre River
Naranjo River
White Water Rafting
Tour in the White water rafting
6 people + 1 guide
4 people + 1 guide
2 people + 1 guide
8 rafts
6 rafts
2 rafts
Ocean Maracas Nahomi
Kayak Tour
Trip by kayak in the ocean
7 people + 1 guide
+ 1 assistance
8 doubles
4 singles
Pez Vela Marine
Catamarán Cruise
Trip by catamarán in the ocean
50 people + 2 guide + 4 crew+ 1 captain + 1 assistance
75 people
Naranjito Town
Horseback riding by tocori waterfalls
17 people + 2 guide
19 horses
Quepos, Boca Vieja y Wild Life Refuge
Cultural and History Tour
Cultural and history tour
8 people + 1 guide
1 Hiace for 12 people